Julie Ann Fitton Ludwig who was born to Parley Arvin and Gertrude Flitton on July 23rd, 1949, left this earth peacefully, to be reunited with her family in heaven on September 15th, 2023.
Julie married Tony Gannuscio (deceased), she married Richard Ludwig (deceased).
She is survived by six children, daughter, Toni Ann (Kurt) Held, son, Tony Gannuscio, daughter Barbara Dimmick, daughter Bonnie Gannuscio, daughter, Jill Gannuscio, and son Tim (Leah) Gannuscio. Julie had 12 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. She is also survived by two brothers and three sisters.
Julie was a school bus aide for 20 years for the Salt Lake City school district.
She loved to knit and make lap blankets for the care center and her family members. She was free-spirited and loved to laugh. Julie will be missed.
Julie was cremated and there will be no funeral services held.